graphic design, typography, fonts, images, 3D, Icons, logo design Simon Hammond graphic design, typography, fonts, images, 3D, Icons, logo design Simon Hammond

How to make your website accessible

What can you do to make your website accessible and why is it important for business? When we design websites we make decisions to ensure the website is not only visually appealing, but also accessible to as wide a range of users as possible. These are some of the considerations that guide our website design process, but might well include valuable insight that helps you update your current website with some simple, straightforward changes.

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Stylescapes can be extremely useful during the design process. They ensure that client and designer are on the same page with regards to what the end result should be by filtering ideas. They are great for clarification too. One persons idea of sophisticated or modern could be very different to somebody else’s. This stage of the process allows both parties to narrow the focus with a visual aid rather than just those generic terms. By spending the time adding this extra step at the beginning of a branding project, it saves time, revisions and disparity of expectations further along the line.

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