
How do you care for a brand?

When we design a logo we take great care that it works for the business it’s intended for and appeals to the right target audience. Once the job is complete we want it to stay that way. To accomplish this we offer brand guidelines as part of our logo packages. Brand guidelines are a graphic design rulebook for you or anyone who works on your marketing material to follow. This way we keep your brand consistent long term and make sure it always looks as good as it possibly can.

Logo Rules

We agonise over the smallest typographic detail, tweak the colour until we’re absolutely satisfied and ensure all proportions are in total balance. After all that, the last thing we want is for the logo to be stretched to fit a space, the colour to change or for the logo to be crammed into a space so small it can’t breathe (yes, logos need to breathe). We supply rules on what you can and cannot do with the logo to keep consistency and a high level of recognition. We don’t want it rotated or any imposter fonts to creep in for example. ‘Make the logo bigger’ is a common request but this can often have a negative affect in the wrong situation. Billboard fine, website, not so much.


Colour Palettes

We will also provide a colour palette. This will be broken up into a primary section, very often taken from the logo itself, and a secondary palette. This is to keep things interesting, provide accent colours that work well with the logo and even practical colours for fonts and background colours that keep a consistent and balanced brand.


Finally we choose fonts that work well and compliment your logo. Not usually the same font but something suitable to keep your logo font distinct. All fonts have different personalities and traits from modern or funky through to traditional and serious, picking the wrong font can give your brand the wrong feel.


Nail your colour palette


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