graphic design, typography, fonts, images, logo design, branding Simon Hammond graphic design, typography, fonts, images, logo design, branding Simon Hammond

The benefits of a strong brand

Your brand is more than just the logo, it’s the accumulation of all the elements of your business from customer service, or the interior design of your premises right through to the website and even your tone of voice when communicating with your audience. All these elements combine to differentiate you from others in the market. Getting the brand right can lead to real tangible benefits to your business. It’s not something that should be forced. If your brand aligns with who you are as a business and the values you hold, then it should all flow naturally. A good brand should remain consistent and relate to your audience on a meaningful level.

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Stylescapes can be extremely useful during the design process. They ensure that client and designer are on the same page with regards to what the end result should be by filtering ideas. They are great for clarification too. One persons idea of sophisticated or modern could be very different to somebody else’s. This stage of the process allows both parties to narrow the focus with a visual aid rather than just those generic terms. By spending the time adding this extra step at the beginning of a branding project, it saves time, revisions and disparity of expectations further along the line.

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Nail your colour palette

Getting your colour palette right is vital to communicate the appropriate look and feel for your brand. A children’s entertainer would look pretty dull if the logo was brown and black, and would you hire a solicitor with neon green and pink stationery? No matter how effective your logo design is, a brand can lose its appeal and won’t communicate to the right audience if the colours aren’t suitable for your audience and how you want to be portrayed.

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